Happy Easter!
Easter Goodies on the Net
Easter Crafts

Kid's Craft Ideas
Easter Placemats
Old Easter cards
Easter pictures from magazines
your children's drawings
light weight cardboard or heavy construction paper
contact paper
Gather up Easter cards from past years, pictures from magazines or your children's
favorite drawings. Glue onto light cardboard or construction paper in decorative fashion
the size of a placemat.
Cover this collage with clear contact paper to seal the placemat.
Bonnet for Easter Parade
Paper plate
pastel construction paper
crayons or markers
yellow or purple yarn
Have children decorate the paper plate any way they wish. Glue on pieces of pastel
construction paper, color flowers on plate, use your imagination. Tie yarn to each side of
plate so it can be tied under child's chin.
Easter Baskets
pint milk or juice carton
cotton balls
pink yarn (or pink flannel)
something to make eyes and nose
(buttons, gumdrops or other candy or whatever you like)
Close the top of the empty carton. Place the carton on its side with the top closed edge
vertical. Then on the side facing up, cut along the two long edges and the bottom edge.
Hold flap up slightly and cut it to form two rabbit ears pointing away from the pointed
end of carton.
Cover the entire outer part of the carton with cotton balls including the ears. Use
a small piece of yarn to make outline of pink for the inner ear. (Or, cut small oval from
pink flannel) Use buttons or whatever you chose to make eyes and nose on the pointed
end of the carton. Place extra cotton balls for tail. Fill carton with Easter grass and
candy eggs.

Bird's Nests
1/2c. butterscotch morsels
1c. chow mein noodles
candy robin's eggs or jelly beans
Melt butterscotch morsels in a medium microwave safe bowl. Add chow mein noodles to
melted morsels and mix. Let children shape into circle on wax paper. Use a spoon to make
indention in center. Let nests harden and then add eggs.

To Alleluia ~ He is Risen
(Easter Page Two)
To Easter Family
Celebration (Easter Page Three)
Bunny Buddies

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January 07, 2006
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By Renigade
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