Holiday Home
~ Labor Day, USA ~ Celebration

Rosie the Riveter
from a WWII poster
Women's Labor Links on the Web
The leading advocacy for working women
Association of Administrative Professionals

Short History of Labor Day in the United States
The first labor day parade marched through New
York City's Union Square on Tuesday, Sept 5,1882.
It was sponsored by the Central Labor Union of
New York and included as many as 25,00 workers from
53 unions carrying banners that read: 8h for work,
8h for rest, 8h for recreation.
In 1894, twelve years later, the federal
government made Labor Day (the first
Monday in September) a federal public holiday.
This holiday, which is the creation of the labor
movement, is dedicated to the social and
economic achievements of the American workers.
Thanks to all laborers for contributions you have
made to the prosperity, strength, and
well-being of our country.

Awesome Cyber Cards
Surfing the Net with Kids: Labor Day

*this is one of my
favorite poems, and it
celebrates the working-class folks in our country*
I Hear America
("Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman, 1860)
I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,
Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be
.....blithe and strong,
The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,
The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves work,
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deck
.....hand singing on the steamboat deck,
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing he stands,
The wood-cutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the
.....morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown,
The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work,
.....or of the girl sewing or washing,
Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,
The day what belongs to the day--at night the party of young
.....fellows, robust, friendly,
Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.

Poet Laureate of the United
Robert Pinsky's poem

current labor
statistics and information
can be found at
Department of Labor

Look for
Labor Day Events Around the Web
Fun Page for Kids

As we
celebrate the "official" end of Summer,
our thought turn to the start of school,
to football games, to raking leaves
and crisp, autumn nights...
It's time for
one last trip to the beach,
one last family picnic before getting back
to the routine of school books and
gym sneakers...
Favorite local
beaches sites are:
At the Beach
Lewes, Delaware
Enjoy the
official end to
the Summer season!

June 27, 2006
©1999-2006, all rights reserved

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