My Holiday Email
[a tribute to my online friends]
I have a list of people I know, all logged in my computer book,
And now at Holiday time I have gone to take a look.
And that is when I realize that these names are a part,
Not of the computer they're stored in, but of my heart.
For each name stands for someone who has crossed my path sometime,
And in that meeting they've become the rhythm in each rhyme.
And while it sounds fantastic for me to make this claim,
I feel that I'm composed of each remembered name.
And while you may not be aware of any special link,
Just meeting you has changed my life, a lot more than you think!
For once I have met somebody, the years cannot erase,
The memory of a pleasant word (or email) or of a friendly face.
So never think my Holiday emails are just a mere routine,
Of names upon an address list, forgotten in between.
For when I do a Holiday email that is addressed to you,
It's because you're on the list of people I'm indebted to.
And whether I have known you for many years or few,
In some way you have been a part of shaping things I do.
And now that Holiday time has come, I realize anew,
The best gift life can offer is meeting people like you.
--Author Unknown

May You Always Feel Loved!
[my gift to all of you]
May you find serenity and
in a world you may not always
May the pain you have known
and the conflict you have experienced
give you the strength to walk through life
facing each new situation
with optimism and courage.
Always know that there are those
whose love and understanding will always
be there, even when you feel most alone.
May you discover enough goodness in others
to believe in a world of peace.
May a kind word, a reassuring touch,
a warm smile be yours every day of your life,
and may you give these gifts as well as receive them.
Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending.
Teach love to those who know hate, and let that love
embrace you as you go into the world.
May the teaching of those you admire
become part of you, so that you may
call upon them.
Remember, those whose lives you have touched
and who have touched yours are always a part of you,
even if the encounters were less than you would have wished.
May you not become too concerned
with material matters, but instead place
immeasurable value on the goodness in your heart.
Find time in each day to see the beauty
and love in the world around you.
Realize that each person has limitless abilities,
but each of us is
different in our own way.
What you may feel you lack in one regard
may be more than compensated for
in another.
What you feel you lack in the present
may become one of your strengths in the future.
May you see your future
as one filled with promise and possibility.
Learn to view everything
as a worthwhile experience.
May you find enough inner strength
to determine your own worth by yourself,
and not be dependent on another's judgements
of your accomplishments.
May you always feel loved.
May your new year be healthy and prosperous

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June 27, 2006
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