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It's the hot, sultry time of year in my hometown!
Share some fun at the beach, at the
ballpark, and at family gatherings.


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The Delmarva Shorebirds


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Our Atlantic seashore beaches are marvelous!
Come visit, kick off your shoes, let the sand
trickle between your toes and let the waves
lap at your ankles!

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At The Beach

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Lewes, Delaware

Ocean City, Maryland

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Summer is the season for family picnics. We take turns being
host, but usually spend the 4th of July at Dad's house.

Summer 2005 Holidays
June  -Flag Day
June  -Father's Day
June -1st Day of Summer
July 4   -US Independence Day
July -84th Delaware State Fair
September -Labor Day ("official end of Summer!)

Summer Family Birthdays
June 3  -Drew K
June 15  -Eric K
August 7 - Dad K.
August 20  -Darnell K.

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Updated: June 27, 2006
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By Renigade
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